Echo Verde

Echo Verde is an eco and organic clothing line based in Vancouver, Canada. The company manufactures garments for women in natural, eco and organic textiles and believes in ethical business practices, sustainable production, and strong relationships with suppliers. What impacts one end of the line will impact the other… or “echo” through the chain.

The company was started in 2009 by Jane Nemis. Jane has 22 years experience as a designer/merchandiser and consultant and 10 years experience in designing and producing eco and organic garments. The line is manufactured predominantly in China where Jane has built strong relationships with experts in organic textiles, producing some of the highest quality garments at competitive prices. By manufacturing near the source of her raw materials, she reduces the overall footprint of her supply chain.

All Echo Verde factories are reviewed and monitored for workers' conditions and have WRAP certification.  Workers support their families and can afford to send their children to school. The factories are small, family-owned operations employing workers from the surrounding areas, expanding the ability of the average person to make a living.

Echo Verde is committed to corporate social responsibility and transparent business practices.  Office supplies, paper, business cards and boxes are made of recycled content. Both the Canda and China offices have strong recycling programs in place, and print as few paper products as possible.


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