Meet the Team: Adzaan Muqtadir~The Fashion Underdog
A quick look at me and my background would show that I’m not anywhere close to meeting those qualifications, and with that I felt a sphere such as fashion would never openly embrace me the way I had embraced it.
However as of now at the age of 21, I have quite a bit of experience and accolades that have been afforded to me as a result of pursuing my creative path.
At an early level, it started with my personal artwork being chosen to be reproduced, printed, and mass distributed on my parish’s Christmas card cover in the seventh grade. In highschool it would be my personal artwork winning regional, state, and national awards. In my college years it would be me being a published blogger and stylist for my school’s fashion magazine. It would be me working on design and branding materials for several brands and businesses. It would be me going to New York City and presenting a marketing campaign pitch at Avon Headquarters. It would be me producing my own fashion short films. It would be me being a fashion intern in big city Boston at Ash & Rose right now as I’m writing this post.
I share all of this to make a point that we all come from somewhere and what’s your destiny will find you no matter where your starting point is in life. That destiny will come find and speak to you through your own natural inclinations and abilities. You just have to be in tune with that and shut out the voices that try to steer you away from your desired path. I’ve found that the major limitations and restrictions I’ve had to shut out in my life are largely ones that I’ve created in my own head. These have been the ones that have told me that I won’t amount to anything and that my dreams are silly. In the end, if I’m meant to have a message to anyone it would be to live on your own terms and stop comparing a current place of your life to where you think it should be, but rather be open to the unexpected. Trust in your own willpower and self-value that you are capable of transcending everything, and above all are capable of building a life that’s grand.
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