Happy Fashion Revolution Day to all!
Today at Ash & Rose we turned our shirts inside-out to ask, "Who made my clothes?" We are commemorating the second anniversary of the collapse of the Rana Plaza garmet factory in Bangladesh. I happened to be wearing a shirt that I chose this past Wednesday at my friend Emelie Bergh's Made for Earth Campaign event at MassArt.
I saw Emelie and Christy Chow collecting endless piles of clothes, sorting, and analyzing them all to discover the workers, wages, and hours behind each garment. After removing the tags, Christy and Emelie added their own tags, each with a question posed to attendees about their clothing buying habits, favorite material or brand, etc. They also printed each item with transparency labels that state where the garment was made, the worker's hourly wage, and their average working hours.

At their event, visitors were encouraged to chose a garment in exchange for an answer to the question on the tag (mine was: How often do you buy new clothes? Which I realized in the past few years has only been once or twice a year...!)
Lastly, a massive amount of appreciation to all of the people who make our clothes (including our very own Nea!) and a day of awareness & conscientious shopping-
Do you know who made your clothes?

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