About the Brand: Elegantees

The motivation behind Elegantees is to see an end to sex trafficking in Nepal. The best way to reduce trafficking in Nepal is to reduce poverty through meaningful employment.  

Elegantees offers skills training and employment to adult survivors of sex trafficking, as well as those who are at high risk of being trafficked. The brand's mission is to create more jobs, and each purchase gets them closer to that!

The brand strives to use organic fabrics where possible. Otherwise, fabrics are sourced responsibly. The leftovers market has a lot to offer. Was it ethically produced? Probably not. Was it leftover from a larger company's orders, left for waste? Yes. This is one way the brand can make a bad thing turn around for good.

Due to coronavirus-related obstacles, the brand has pivoted from their usual production in Nepal, to producing in an ethical factory in the US. Proceeds help to sustain the brand's work and team in Nepal.

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